Three Tips For Building A Marketing Team

Three Tips For Building A Marketing Team

A marketing team is responsible for managing the entire organization’s communication, promoting and working on brand positioning, following market trends, consumption, and public behavior, monitoring the actions of the competition, and capturing qualified leads for the sales team.

In addition, the team identifies technological innovations that can help improve the quality of the products and services they work with, optimizing the growth of different types of businesses.

So if you don’t know your marketing team’s requirements to achieve results and attract more customers, we can help you. Learn how to set up yours and learn about the benefits that this department can bring to your company.

Invest in trained professionals with different specialties marketing team will cooperate with your business’s sales team through strategies and metrics monitoring to retain new customers. You must research and analyze which professionals will be the most qualified and experienced for the functions your company needs right now.

Data analysis, design, SEO, production, social media, and customer service, among other areas, are essential for forming a solid marketing team. The objective should be to deliver a broad and multidisciplinary result to strengthen the brand.

Keep Pace With Structure And Empowerment

You can get the best professionals, but neither they nor you will always know everything. Therefore, it is essential to insert a routine of courses, events, and certifications into the company’s culture to qualify your entire team constantly, in addition to offering the necessary technological infrastructure to structure the sector.

Agency Or Internal Marketing? If You Can, Choose Both

Not every company can maintain both, but it is essential to understand how each works and acts about a brand. An in-house marketing team works exclusively for an organization. This focus has the advantage of ensuring more excellent approximation and identification with a company’s product or service. After all, nothing replaces the day-to-day within a company to know how it can win over consumers.

However, most companies cannot afford a complete marketing team. The costs and labor are considerably higher than if you opt for outsourcing, and this is where the role of a marketing agency comes in.

Thus, it is possible to count on a small team within the company to manage and define the best strategies for the business but demand all actions on and off for an agency to put into practice, as it works with a complete team of professionals, specialists, and suppliers. A brand needs to stand out in the market to meet the most varied jobs.

The main thing is to remember your company’s goals in the short, medium, and long term. Evaluate your organizational culture and business model and start thinking about forming this team.

How Do Triggers In Marketing Work?

Do you know what mental triggers are in the marketing world? People explain. They are shots received in our brains that influence the decisions we make. These sensory stimuli work as methods of persuasion and convincing to buy, and purchases generate marketing and sales results, obviously.

Mental triggers are generated in our unconscious and cause sensations. Have you ever stopped to think that many of your attitudes when buying are done automatically and not rationally? They are the triggers acting in your brain to make you feel more important, to choose to join the trend of the moment, for example.

Our brain tends to automate some actions to avoid mental exhaustion, and this is part of human nature. The sensations that mental triggers provoke are awakened through sounds, words, smells, and images. Strategy? That’s what you’ll find out now.

Triggers May Be Familiar To Multiple Consumers

There is no purely rational decision; we are constantly making decisions and acting. The unconscious, in this process, stores thoughts, impulses, and sensations related to the experiences you have had in life. Each person has particularities, but we are similar in culture and basic needs. Therefore, triggers can be familiar to a particular group of people.

Well-planned marketing studies consumer behavior to understand why we buy certain products and services, that is, how our decision process works. This creates strategies to improve communication throughout the purchase journey, knowing consumers’ tastes, preferences, and doubts. Neuromarketing in this process is fundamental to investigating our unconscious.

Types Of Triggers That Can Be Applied

To awaken consumer decisions, it is necessary to know the types of mental triggers that exist and not overdo persuasion. That is, not trying to deceive the customer with lying approaches. Use triggers responsibly, providing a positive consumer experience. Thus, you will be able to bring your brand closer to the public, obtain results and sell with peace of mind. Know some types of triggers. 


You like to give back what you get, don’t you? When brands offer some value benefit, such as a gift or relevant content, consumers feel they can get closer to that brand. A door opens to get to know them better, talk about the service/product and even acquire it in the future, in that feeling of returning the favor. 

Loss And Urgency

We are afraid of losing; that’s a fact. We do everything to avoid this feeling. So when we see ads for “limited time offer” or “promotion until stocks last,” among other messages, we are tempted to buy, even if we don’t need to. Nobody likes to miss a great opportunity.


Exposure to something new sends reward sensations to the brain. We go in search of pleasure constantly, and novelty provides that. Everyone likes to start something with the excitement of novelty. Releases and new versions keep the public’s interest in your business. Nobody puts up with “more of the same” for long. The big news makes the difference.

Also Read: How To Retain Customers With Digital Marketing

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