Does IT Process Automation Contribute To Business Growth?

Does IT Process Automation Contribute To Business Growth?

The automation of IT processes helps companies increase their productivity, reduce costs, eliminate waste, mine the data that support decision making, and have room for scalability. With the advent of digital transformation, it is no longer possible to work without using this tool.

The sum of these factors from using automation culminates in more planned production, scalar growth, and increased revenue. It is evident that automation is just a tool; for the results to be achieved, the company will need to work on changing the operational culture and aligning the team with the new reality.

Focus On Business

Automation frees employees from routine and bureaucratic activities, leaving them free to act in strategic activities directly linked to the company’s core business. With the IT team free, there will be more time to look for new technological solutions and carry out studies of trends that can be added to operations.

In general terms, automation reduces the need for reactive labor, which acts to fix problems, making room for proactive work, preventing and avoiding problems, and ensuring greater system availability.

With the new role of the IT sector within companies, no longer a mere agent that keeps computers running and becoming an integral part of business success strategies, working reactively is counterproductive.

In reactive work, the infrastructure will always have stops, as there is no preventive work or monitoring. The support professional is bound to have problems, as he only appears when something goes wrong and becomes the last person in the world that the company’s managers would like to see in front of.

For the company that provides support service, the reactive work is based on visits, reducing the capacity for growth and leaving room for delays and missed deadlines.

Reduce Costs

Automation allows a better analysis of the company’s productive capacity. With the metrics and indicators obtained, it is possible to observe the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of specific sectors and who is at fault. This punctual action will reduce time, waste, and production downtime, generating cost savings with rework and extra hiring.

In addition, in case we need to reallocate the budget, with automation, it will be possible to produce more with less, which allows the maintenance of a leaner team, freeing up capital for investment in other areas.

Decrease The Margin Of Error

Anyone who works as a support provider serving multiple customers is always subject to errors, which can be fatal. Forgetting to make a backup, for example, can cause irreparable damage, such as the loss of data that can bankrupt a company. Already ignoring an update and allowing people to work with outdated software will open up loopholes for intrusion attempts by hackers.

Not answering a necessary ticket can crash a customer’s entire infrastructure and ruin their reputation. In addition to losing the customer, your business will lose word of mouth marketing and have a low recommendation on reputation review sites.

Use Data As A Management Guide

Another advantage of using IT process automation is the opportunity to access metrics and indicators related to work, infrastructure performance, and the individual performance of each professional. Of course, all this will require a management tool that centralizes information in a database or manages to produce reports extracting data from multiple sources.

With the analysis of this data, it will be possible to create improvement plans, identify infrastructure bottlenecks, and place professionals who need training or retraining. In addition, it is also possible to see customers having difficulty dealing with some new system tools.

Improve Company-Wide Performance

The full company benefits as the IT industry is automated and running well, with process control and metrics analysis. In addition, several of the automation tools can be used by other corporate sectors. IT also implements and monitors specific management systems for the different areas.

With the connection of the ERP to the other systems and applications of the company, the integration becomes more accessible, as well as the automation of the company’s management. The manager can obtain the indicators using data from different sources with data mining automation. Thanks to the IT team, all this is guaranteed to work, which will benefit from internal automation.

In this post, we saw how the automation of IT processes is an essential strategy to improve the performance of an increasingly fundamental sector for the growth and evolution of any company. If your company is looking for more efficiency and a market differential, it needs to adopt automation in its IT processes.

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