Business Automation: What Are The Benefits?

Business Automation: What Are The Benefits?

Business Automation: Commercial automation is transforming restaurants and other food businesses. To give you an idea, according to a report, current consumers prefer digitalization and autonomy when accessing menus (52%), placing orders (43%) and paying digitally (45%).

Based on the data above, it is a fact that automation is directly linked to consumer satisfaction and the establishment’s recurring revenue generation. Therefore, not implementing it can stagnate the business, with the risk of losing loyal customers over time.

Do you want to know practical examples of automated activities in the food industry and their advantages? Keep reading the post until the end!

What Is Business Automation?

Commercial automation is the set of processes and technologies that aims to automate sales, inventory and purchasing routines. In practice, this automation is usually done by business management programs — also known as ERPs, systems that can analyze data in real-time.

What Are Examples Of Business Automation?

The primary examples of commercial automation are:

  • barcode and QR Code readers — allow quick identification of services and products;
  • fiscal printers — issue coupons and electronic invoices, being equipment integrated with the Treasury Department (Sefaz);
  • inventory management systems — control the quantity of products available to avoid waste and ensure adequate supply.

What Are The Advantages Of Business Automation?

With commercial automation, the incidence of errors is lower. The information recorded and processed is more accurate, with less human error. Therefore, teams are more productive since they can now focus on more strategic details of business processes.

Another advantage is better financial control. This is because commercial automation helps to manage better cash flow, accounts payable and receivable and other financial operations. Customer service is also improved through agility and continuous improvement of the shopping experience.

How To Apply Commercial Automation In Restaurants?

Since commercial automation improves customer service and experience, restaurants can benefit greatly from this implementation. The main ways to adopt such a solution are:

  • order management: the idea is to register, manage and monitor orders, making the kitchen and servers work in a more orderly and integrated way;
  • electronic payment: the card machine is an excellent attraction for building customer loyalty at the restaurant, as it is a quick way to place orders at the table;
  • Digital Menu: a tool restaurants adopt for a dynamic experience that optimizes sales and business operations. With a mobile device, customers can choose dishes and order autonomously.

What Is Business Automation Software?

Initially, many businesses in the food business managed activities in spreadsheets. However, commercial automation software is much more efficient in this regard, as it helps companies to be more efficient and productive.

In practice, with these programs, it is possible to automate processes well: inventory management, issue of invoices, production of management reports and performance analysis.

Process automation is a solution that allows you to streamline and make some operations more efficient, especially those repetitive activities. The resource is expected to need human interference at times, but it tends to be minimal.

Automation, however, refers to the act or process of converting the control of a machine or device into a more automatic system through a computer or electronic controls. The device is automatically controlled or operated without the need for human interference.

An example is picking up orders in a delivery business. Imagine that with each order received, you need a professional to present the menu, write down all the items and receive payment. In addition to being a time-consuming operation, it is more error-prone. With its delivery tool, the entire process of taking orders and paying is done with automation.

Commercial automation in restaurants can improve internal procedures and the customer experience. Therefore, investing in a program and other tools can be an excellent way to create a loyal clientele, making the establishment’s revenue stream recurring.

Also Read: Difference Between A CRM Tool And Marketing Automation?

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